I have
always thought that some people and books find the way to each other for a
reason. There is a story why I have found my new book "Women Who
Run with the Wolves". This book has enormous impact for the journey to
myself. One man once
said that I have the eyes of a wolf. I
have the eyes of a wolf and I hope that one day I have the soul of a wolf, because they
have absolutely most beautiful and clever souls of any kind. From the book:
" Üks emahunt oli tapnud oma surmavalt haavatud kutsika- see õpetas mind
kõigest hingest kaasa tundma, aga ühtlasi ka, et on vaja juhatada surm surija
juurde". "Peame õppima aru saama
sellest, mis on meie ümber ja mis käib meie kohta: peame õppima seda, mis meie
sees peab edasi elama ja mis peab surema. Meie ülesanne on ajastada need
mõlemad küljed õigesti: peame laskma surra sel, mis peab surema, ja laskma
elada sellel, mis peab edasi elama".
.............................. have a beautiful journey to yourself
.............................. ♥ .....................................................
.............................. photos of me by Liis Tamra
.............................. ♥ ..........................................................